Fonoa vs Space Invoices: Global Tax and Invoicing Compliance

Which is better for your business – Space Invoices or Fonoa? Both platforms provide tax and invoicing compliance with support for e-invoicing, but they cater to different types of businesses. Fonoa API is tailored for large global companies and enterprises seeking an in-depth accounting solution, while Space Invoices API is designed for local startups and global smaller to medium-sized companies.

Affordably Fonoa API Alternative

Fonoa and Space Invoices both offer tax and invoicing compliance, featuring a few similar capabilities, but operating in completely different ways. To clarify these differences and provide a better understanding of both products, we have created a guide comparing Fonoa API and Space Invoices API.


In this article, we are going to cover:

  • Fonoa API Review
  • Similarities Between Fonoa API and Space Invoices API
  • Key Differences Between Fonoa API versus Space Invoices API
  • Space Invoices API Review
  • Save Time and Money on Global Tax And Invoicing Compliance


    Fonoa API Review

    Fonoa API is well-suited for larger global businesses and enterprises. It ensures global compliance with local invoicing and tax regulations. The API excels in handling complex tax compliance issues, offering solutions like real-time reporting to tax authorities, validating tax IDs in over 100 countries, calculate taxes, generate invoices or e-invoices and file your tax returns through a single solution.




    Fonoa API and Space Invoices API share several features, since both provide tax and (e-)invoicing services:

  • (E-)invoicing Support: Both APIs facilitate streamlined (e-)invoicing with global compliance, ensuring localization with support for various languages, currencies, and regulations. Additionally, they both accommodate cross-border transactions.
  • Tax Compliance: Both APIs adhere to global tax compliance standards, ensuring that invoices are tax compliant with accurate tax rates, and are prepared for archiving and VAT reporting.
  • Fiscalization: Both APIs accurately report sales in real-time whenever required.


    Key Differences

    Fonoa invoicing API and Space Invoices invoicing API have quite a few differences. To better understand what each product offers and is intended for, let's explore them in more detail.


    Niche Specification

    Fonoa API is well-suited for larger companies and enterprises such as marketplaces, digital platforms, software companies, and travel and tourism businesses. It integrates deeply into accounting systems, efficiently managing large volumes of transactions while ensuring compliance with local regulations. This capability makes it an excellent choice for businesses aiming to automate and optimize their invoicing and tax management processes on a global scale.


    Space Invoices API is primarily tailored for B2B SaaS companies, Fintech, and Neobanks, while also catering to E-commerce and Marketplaces. It is designed for businesses looking for a straightforward and adaptable invoicing solution that doesn't necessitate deep integration into extensive accounting systems. Rather, it offers a more robust invoicing features. This configuration makes it ideal for companies requiring efficient, scalable invoicing capabilities without the burden of more complex financial tools.



    Tax-Related Features

    One of the most significant differences between the APIs emerge in their tax-related capabilities. Fonoa is tailored to individual companies, focusing on full accounting automation to simplify the global tax landscape. In contrast, Space Invoices offers a more limited range of tax-related features, concentrating primarily on providing invoices as a service for clients customers rather than on comprehensive global accounting automation.


    Fonoa API positions itself as a global tax automation platform, offering comprehensive and in-depth tax support. Its API handles fiscalization, automates real-time tax calculations, validates tax IDs worldwide, and manages reporting obligations, such as filing tax returns. By automating invoice tax compliance, Fonoa optimizes clients' tax positions and reduces the resources typically needed for manual tax management, enhancing overall efficiency.


    On the other hand, Space Invoices API offers a more lightweight approach to tax support. The API ensures tax compliance for invoices, accurately applying the appropriate taxes for both local and cross-border transactions. It also supports fiscalization and real-time reporting where required.



    Invoicing Features

    The invoicing capabilities of the two APIs represent another one of the key distinguishing factors. Fonoa primarily aims to serve as a comprehensive solution for individual companies, thereby focusing less on extensive invoicing features. In contrast, Space Invoices provides a broader array of invoicing functionalities, enabling companies to deliver a more comprehensive product that can attract new clients or upsell additional invoicing services to their existing clientele.


    Fonoa API automates the creation, sending, and receiving of invoices or e-invoices. These invoices comply with the regulations of each supported country, and the API provides certification if required by national laws.


    Space Invoices API also facilitates the creation, sending, and receiving of invoices or e-invoices, ensuring compliance with the regulations of its supported countries and providing necessary certifications. However, because it primarily serves B2B SaaS companies, Neobanks, and Fintech sectors, Space Invoices also offers additional functionalities:

  • Multi-tenancy: Enables multiple users and organizations to use a single invoicing system while ensuring that individual data remains secure and inaccessible to others;
  • White-label: Allows the API to be seamlessly integrated into your company’s dashboard, making it appear as if it was developed in-house, complete with your branding and customization;
  • Embedded Finance: Provides seamless integration with various payment gateways, enabling businesses to incorporate payment links directly within their invoices for streamlined transactions.
  • Cryptocurrency Support: Offers legally compliant invoicing options for cryptocurrencies, allowing for the global creation and issuance of invoices with real-time local currency calculations and tax compliance.


    Compliant Countries

    For an invoicing API to be usable in a specific country, it must adhere to that country's invoicing regulations. The provider of the API is responsible for integrating these regulations, sometimes obtaining certifications, and continually monitoring and updating them as regulations frequently change. Maintaining a broad list of compliant countries is crucial because it enables a company to use a single API for all its current and future markets, serve customers globally, and conduct cross-border invoicing efficiently.


    Fonoa API supports invoicing and tax compliance for entities in over 150 countries and provides comprehensive guides for more than 30 of these. The guides include detailed information on VAT, e-invoicing, and digital reporting requirements.


    Space Invoices' Invoicing API supports tax and invoicing compliance, as well as e-reporting, in over 70 countries. Additionally, Space Invoices offers a comprehensive guide for all currently and potentially supported countries, allowing clients to check compliance and regulatory requirements specific to each country, such as mandatory e-invoicing, real-time reporting, and more.



    Pricing Comparison

    The pricing differences between the two APIs are one of the key distinguishing factors. Fonoa caters to globally large companies and enterprises that can afford a higher-priced solution, whereas Space Invoices offers more affordable pricing, tailored specifically for startups and small to mid-sized companies.


    Fonoa requires substantial system integration, often necessitating a full project to incorporate it into existing accounting systems. Consequently, Fonoa’s pricing is primarily commitment-based, with additional usage-based charges. The commitment spans a minimum of a few years, with an additional charge for each additional organization and €0.30 per each additional document. While Fonoa's commitment fee is not publicly disclosed, industry standards suggest a base fee ranging between €2,000 and €10,000 per month.

    Space Invoices' pricing focuses on saving you money and growing alongside your company. Many new customers have expressed surprise at the significant savings compared to their previous providers. Our pricing is transparent and primarily usage-based:

  • Commitment: No commitment fee for one organization with up to 10 invoices per month; after that, there is a base fee of €200 per month.
  • Usage-based pricing: A charge of €5 applies for each additional organization issuing documents, which includes the creation and issuance of 200 free documents. Each additional document beyond this quota costs €0.05.

    Comparative pricing statements are based on our research and reflect our understanding as of 14.06.2024. For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, please refer to the competitors’ official websites or contact their sales departments.



    Space Invoices API Review

    Space Invoices invoicing API primarily caters to B2B SaaS companies, Fintech, and Neobanks, while also providing solutions for E-commerce and Marketplaces. This makes it a versatile solution well-suited for businesses that require rapid integration capabilities and support for global operations. As such, this API facilitates compliance and streamlines global (e-)invoicing, tax, and e-reporting, making it particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized enterprises. Additionally, Space Invoices features a user-friendly interface and includes tools for managing job estimates and receipts. Beyond invoicing and tax compliance, using Space Invoices allows you to:

  • Utilize a single API for current and future worldwide compliance;
  • Support and upsell your clients globally;
  • Position yourself as the one-stop shop for both current and future clients;
  • Streamline processes to save time and reduce costs, while also eliminating manual errors;
  • Ensure all documents are properly archived and reported to the relevant authorities;
  • Achieve rapid integration, typically completed in less than a week.
  • Having more questions about Space Invoices’ invoicing API?

    We are here to assist.


    Save Time and Money on Global Tax And Invoicing Compliance

    With Space Invoices’ Invoicing API, platforms looking to automate global invoicing while being tax compliant can achieve this in less than a week and at a very low cost. Space Invoices allows you to:

  • Utilize a Single API for Current and Future Worldwide Compliance
  • Create, Issue, and Receive (E-)invoices
  • Integrate Global Tax and Invoicing Regulations
  • Implement Fiscalization or Real-Time Reporting when Needed
  • For more information on compliance with global regulations, check out our Country Specific Guides on (E-)invoicing, tax regulations, and digital reporting, or contact us via live chat.

    Additional reading:

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