Warehouses in Space Invoices represent the various locations where your inventory is stored. Items can be stored across multiple warehouses, with each warehouse maintaining its own inventory quantities for each item.
When you make the first change to an inventory, a default Warehouse is automatically added to your organization. This default Warehouse will be used whenever a specific warehouse is not explicitly mentioned in API calls related to inventory management.
In addition to serving as storage locations for your inventory, warehouses can also represent consignment locations, allowing you to efficiently manage consigned goods within your system. By utilizing the Warehouse feature, you can effectively track and manage your inventory across different locations, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information for your organization.
- POST /v1/Organizations/:id/warehouses
- GET /v1/Warehouses/:id
- GET /v1/Organizations/:id/warehouses
- GET /v1/Organizations/:id/warehouses/count
- PUT /v1/Warehouses/:id
- PATCH /v1/Warehouses/:id
- DELETE /v1/Warehouses/:id
The Warehouse object
id string readonly
name string
default boolean
organizationId string readonly
deletedAt date readonly
_isDeleted boolean readonly
deletedId string readonly
createdAt date readonly
updatedAt date readonly
Custom field for freeform data input
Additional propertiesExpand all
Create Warehouse
POST /v1/Organizations/:id/warehouses
id string required
Organization id
name string required
Default is: false
Default is: {}
Custom field for freeform data input
Additional propertiesExpand all
Login to auto-populate your access token.
Your access token is displayed in examples.
Prerequisite: npm install node-fetch
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Get Warehouse
GET /v1/Warehouses/:id
id string required
Model id
filter string optional
Filter defining fields and include - must be a JSON-encoded string ({"something":"value"})
Login to auto-populate your access token.
Your access token is displayed in examples.
Prerequisite: npm install node-fetch
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Find Warehouses
GET /v1/Organizations/:id/warehouses
id string required
Organization id
filter string optional
Login to auto-populate your access token.
Your access token is displayed in examples.
Prerequisite: npm install node-fetch
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Count Warehouses
GET /v1/Organizations/:id/warehouses/count
id string required
Organization id
where string optional
Criteria to match model instances
Login to auto-populate your access token.
Your access token is displayed in examples.
Prerequisite: npm install node-fetch
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Replace Warehouse
PUT /v1/Warehouses/:id
id string required
Model id
name string required
Default is: false
Default is: {}
Custom field for freeform data input
Additional propertiesExpand all
Login to auto-populate your access token.
Your access token is displayed in examples.
Prerequisite: npm install node-fetch
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Patch Warehouse
PATCH /v1/Warehouses/:id
id string required
Warehouse id
name string required
Default is: false
Default is: {}
Custom field for freeform data input
Additional propertiesExpand all
Login to auto-populate your access token.
Your access token is displayed in examples.
Prerequisite: npm install node-fetch
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-populate your access token.
Your access token is displayed in examples.
Prerequisite: npm install node-fetch
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.
Login to auto-insert your own access token.
Your access token displayed in examples.